
YellowMap AG

CAS-Weg 1-5
76131 Karlsruhe

Telefon: +49 (0)721 9638 600
Telefax: +49 (0)721 9638 3600

Board of Directors

Martin Hubschneider (Chairman)

Supervisory Board

Dr. Helmut Melcher (Chairman)

Seat: Karlsruhe, local court Mannheim, commercial register no: 108853
Sales tax ID no.: DE 205827769

Liability for links

With the judgement of May 12, 1998, the Regional Court of Hamburg decided that by placing a link on a website, one may be held responsible for the contents of the linked page. This can - according to the court - only be prevented by expressly distancing oneself from these contents. We have placed links to other pages on the Internet on various pages of this homepage. The following applies to all these links: We would like to emphasize that we have no influence on the design and content of the linked pages. Therefore we dissociate ourselves hereby expressly from all contents of all linked pages on this homepage and do not adopt their contents. At the time of linking, no pornographic or right-wing extremist content could be detected on the websites.

Copyright information

Photos provided by are subject to the copyright of their owners.
Pictures from were used to illustrate individual categories.

The maps shown on this website were created with data from OpenStreetMap.